Night 3 was a bit slow because I had the other half all by herself, but that’s OK as it’s been just as long for her. Once again, encouragement and no negativity regardless of the point each is in. I just need to get her to download Zombies!!! I need to get her to enjoy something that involves getting her mind from the initial learning and burdens of running and nothing does that better than MUSIC. In fact, it has been scientifically proven. The activity, even if it’s not running, is overall more enjoyable, it increases serotonin, and it decreases the amount of effort you perceive it to be. Here’s one if you’re curious: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychsport.2018.01.010
So, you just finished up getting chased by those Zombies? Even though, right now early in the missions, there seems to be some skepticism for our newly found runner…what to do after you finish? I always, always STRETCH! But, when don’t you stretch? And, what stretches should I even do? Well, it’s always best to either do a light jog or even speed walk as a warmup before you get at it. NEVER do static stretches. These are where you’re holding each stretch for 30 seconds or more and are meant for after the run, when the muscles are fully warmed up and limber. Static stretches with cold muscles produce injuries. Let’s avoid that 🙂 Dynamic warmups are a great idea. I love to include leg swings, both laterally, forward, backward, and lunges, forward and backward. You could also do high knees and glute kicks. This page has an awesome routine:
Now, afterwards, HOLD (remember static) stretches for about 30 seconds, easing into it and not bouncing. Take deep breaths as you do this. It should be a relaxing process. You should have a stretch for your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, groin, hip flexors, calf, and soleus. I mention soleus because it is often neglected. This is because it does not cross the knee and must be stretched while the knee is bent. Runners World is an excellent source for information. The following link has a good set of exercises.
Happy Trails
God Bless