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Trails for Sport and Beauty

There was a time, before I blew up to a monstrous 245 pounds, that I was in decent shape and absolutely cherished the beauty of nature, particularly the trails in the Virginia mountains. This is course was when I had military structure and fitness that was required in my daily life. But, I took it to an extreme that would eventually cause long-term injury to my feet. It didn’t help there was a competition at work for who ran the greatest mileage, so ego was a minor factor. Either way, I was never great at the sport; I simply loved it, typically coming mid-pack or even further depending on the elevation. As you can see, my error was doing a 50K and 50 Mile during the same month.

I injured my hamstring and developed longterm heel bursitis that never seemed to heal. So, I got into weightlifting, devoted the many hours I normally accumulated running, into picking stuff up and putting it down. There’s something entirely unique and invigorating about putting on an enormous amount of muscle and garnering attention, whether good or bad. Once again, you’re ego only sustains you for so long. That weight doesn’t do well on joints and the love of the trails and memory peering off the side of a mountain never truly fades. (Info note: resistance training IS good practice to include in a solid fitness routine) And something interesting happened! I received this email:

I haven’t seen information about this race in years, many years. It was my very first “race” that, without actual preparation for, walked up to the stand, and got my number in November 2010. Call it what you will, I’m using this as both a reason and motivation to get back to where I belong…on the beautiful trails of Virginia. Just bring the bugspray!

Last nights first outing on the road, just walking and jogging to feel my feet again. I encourage anyone that loves to be outside to get some earbuds, music of choice, good shoes, and run…

This app is Zombies Run. It’s up to Season 10 and has running plans as well. There’s selections to turn on/off chases, and external music player if you want music to pause while you hear the story. You can also set the distance of the mission. Once your done, your able to build the city.

What do you think?

God bless

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