I hope this isn’t just in my head but sometimes it feels like the world around me makes it nearly impossible to follow God. We simply live in a world that treasures physical/worldly items and compare ourselves to others so we can live up to their standards. Culture has us plastered to our phones, scrolling social media, following the famous, seeing what is trending, and what’s the next big thing. Children seem to follow someone else instead of being molded by their parents. There’s less room for physical development, mental development, and considerably less spiritual development. The norm of family communication is to post Happy Birthday on Facebook to grandchildren instead of calling, only for it to never be seen. Togetherness is to sit around rooms while staring down with absolutely no awareness of the thoughts each other is having.
Similarly, someone calls themselves a Christian but puts no work into being a Christian. Everything that is worth anything involves work. I am NOT the judge of people but it IS easy to observe those around you. What are you watching? What are you listening to? Who are you following? All these things separate us from the rest of the world. If you’re a potty mouth as soon as you walk out of church (but a saint inside those walls), there’s something that should probably be worked on. If you feel the need to listen to only christian/gospel music on Sundays going to church but Doja Cat on the way home, there’s something that needs to be worked on. If the Bible is only mentioned on Easter or Christmas Sunday when your family dresses up and goes to church once a year, there’s something that needs to be worked on. It shouldn’t be an hour a week of pure thinking to hopefully appease GOD, then “times up”, let the filth in for the remainder. Notice I said “be worked on”. None of these things happened overnight. Noone began cursing like sailors overnight just like noone gains 100 pounds overnight and both take time and WORK to get rid of. I used to have this same mentality. It took me daily prayer, telling myself each day to refrain from cursing, doing devotionals and daily Bible readings. Of course, there are many reasons other than these; what are yours? Put in the work! Also, keep in mind people’s motivations. I struggle with Bipolar and PTSD. Trusting in GOD gives me some peace and he also saved me from suicide. What are your motivations?
God Bless
Romans 12:1-2 – Don’t Conform To The World, Be Transformed By Renewing Your Mind
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.