Let me prelude by stating we’re not a rich family of 8. But, we enjoy helping others on occasion. My wife loves when she’s ahead of law enforcement, military, or firefighters at fast food establishments so she can pay for their meal. No waves, no ‘thank you’, just drives away enjoying the internal pleasure she helped someone.

“do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full” Matthew 6:2
“do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you” (Matthew 6:3-4 ESV)
This doesn’t always have to be for the needy as you will find so much in the Bible, but just to be kind at heart will tear down so many emotional walls. Helping people has become almost non-existent in the world. But, tearing down people behind screens on social media is a daily occurrence. It has even become difficult to trust in who you’re helping or donating to. So many organizations are stripping high percentages from the money you give them for administrative or other fees. Simply helping the “homeless” man or woman felt good until you found out they were part of a ring that traveled around taking peoples hard earned cash. There is hope though because this isn’t all around us. We just need to know where to look.
It is not my place to judge beggars or panhandlers as some are homeless and/or need and truly worthy of any donation you wish to serve up. However, as of late, there is an uptick of fake groups so all I will say on this matter is consider wisely.
Charities are a time-honored tradition that people around the world have taken part. They cover everyone small disease and research foundation to chefs foundations, to the largest organizations in the world. It is important though to do some research of your own before parting with your hard earned cash. Some sites include:
I like to use charity navigator, which give you separate tabs for its impact, accountability and finance, culture and community, and leadership and adaptability. A program that’s dear to our heart is Children’s International. Their 3-year average for expenses is 6.2% on administrative fees, 8.5% on fundraising, and 85.3% towards program funds. Of course, there’s are tons of other metrics that go into the site final score, but their’s ends up being 92%, which is a 4 star charity.
I sponsor a beautiful little 9-year old girl named Grace from Zambia. They send you updated pictures of your sponsored child. You have free range to send messages or cards to them. It does take a bit for your child to get back to you but it’s a beautiful thing when they do. It is a $39 a month fee. If helping children in poverty is your cup of tea, then I encourage you to check them out. https://www.children.org/

Let me know what you think or if there’s something you would like to see.
God Bless