This website in it’s entirety is meant to be personal, clean, and relatable. But, it wouldn’t be complete without the spiritual element that makes me, me. On a deeper level, I have suffered from mental health issues for quite some time, beginning from early childhood. Some symptoms controlled via medication and therapy while some have proven futile. Others, such as suicidal thoughts, is where I found my place with Jesus Christ. I’ll shoutout to @vouschurch here because I came across the following video and watched it several times: https://youtu.be/07VTv14AnMM
This video changed the way I viewed many things. It also was the beginning of my spiritual journey. No, I didn’t begin changing my family, the people around me, memorizing bible verses, or going door to door to share the gospels with the world. I began changing my mindset, began praying, began being more positive, began looking at my family as the most special thing on the planet, all while thanking GOD for what I have and what I’ve attained. I encourage everyone to stop looking around at everyone else for happiness. Stop keeping pain and inner thoughts your own and make them known to someone. If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable to share them, find a closed room, close your eyes and just talk to GOD. That mindset will not only give you peace but also eventual strength to share with someone else. God Bless you all!