Home » DIY Fishing Cart
Photo from Vecteezy.com

We love fishing and enjoy it as a family when time (and weather) permits. We’re discussing a boat in the future but, since that’s not in the cards yet, we stick to pier and shore fishing. But, when you need to bring chairs, a cooler, drinks, multiple poles, the tackle box, etc., it becomes cumbersome really quickly to drag everything back and forth. So, I put together a fishing cart! Obviously, there are plenty of versions of this cart but this fits perfectly in the back of her highlander. I usually cover it up with a blanket so it doesn’t bang against the back hatch while we’re driving.

First up, what utility cart should you get? Obviously, this is completely up to you, but I would go with something with at least 10 inch wheels and pneumatic style. There’s nothing more annoying than small, plastic wheels that have no give and don’t have enough height to turn in minor terrain. Also, find a cart that the sides lower or remove. This will be beneficial if you need it for more than one purpose in the future. I use mine out in the yard on occassion. Last, find one that’s heavy duty steel. I chose Gorilla Carts because I have experience with their construction, but Amazon has some other’s that should fit the bill.

Now that you have your cart put together, what are you going to put in it? Let’s list some necessities:

1. Fishing Rods (can’t forget those)
2. Tackle Box. If you need help with this, that’s a whole different post 🙂
3. Cooler/ice (I have an Ozark Trail 30 qt that fits beautifully in there)
4. Fishing Net
5. Water jug. This is for you.


1. Chairs. These are fairly cheap at Wally World but I’d suggest paying a few extra dollars for the better quality ones. You WILL get what you pay for. You don’t need to splurge for the rockers (although you can) but the lower tier are very flimsy and won’t last long.
2. Lights (if you enjoy night fishing). You can grab a camping light or a headlamp that straps to your forehead. I have both but my wife is a scaredy cat. https://amzn.to/45MyBGX
3. Bug spray. If you have sweet blood like myself, this may belong in necessities.
4. Snacks! My easy go-to is usually beef jerky.
5. Wipes or a rag. Gets nasty when you’re messing around with bait and want to get that snack out of the bag 🙂

I used two rod holder brackets, one on each side of the cart, attached via metal zip ties. They hold 3 rods each and do an excellent job. I normally use one slot to put the fishing net. These have slots on the top to stick scissors, knives, pliers, or whatever you feel to put in there while you’re fishing.

That’s it! Slap it all on there, put the chairs on top, and you can use a small bungie strap to make sure they don’t go anywhere while you’re getting from the car to your destination.

Let me know what you do…

Tight Lines!
God Bless

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