There’s numerous reasons people go to church or practice religion but, what truly is the reason we keep going? Is it out of necessity because mom is going? Is it something you’ve been doing all your life that’s become habitual but don’t quite understand why you’re there? Or, have you fallen so far that church is the first place you could think of to go for help? Has Jesus brought you back from the unfathomable?
There are thousands of questions we could ask ourselves…and none of them would seem very nice when put into words. But, I think we need to ask ourselves those difficult questions to fully differentiate our spiritual “desires” versus what Jesus needs us to be. We need to seek his hand in our DAILY lives, instead of just in on Sunday. There can’t pure hearts while listening to our pastor, then cursing mouths as soon as we closed the car doors. It literally needs to be practice what has been preached. It takes effort in our daily lives, including daily prayer, to move into a space to make great things a habit. Habits don’t form without constant practice, not even holy ones.
I also encourage you to make your story known, both to jesus and those your on a journey with. Of course, some extremely pertinent details may be left out if need be, but we are social animals. Being part of a group with similar interests aids healing but only when someone sparks the conversation. Then take that to prayer together.
I have lived through (and still have) many mental health struggles, to include Bipolar and PTSD. There is no roller coaster ever made that is so brutal as this pairing. Constant prayer, faith, and Christ’s grace gives me a strength that no therapy can give. It is no substitute for doctor’s but without him, there is no peace.
As always
God Bless