Home » Music, what’s your taste?

This was my love when I was a teenager in high school. In fact, the original CD boxed set is still collecting dust somewhere in the basement. John Williams still has a place in my heart as top composers. If the name doesn’t ring a bell, think of the themes from E.T, Jurassic Park, Superman, Jaws, Indiana Jones, and even the infamous Olympic Games of past. Curious now? I had a love for all things movie soundtracks, especially Titanic! I even purchased sheet music for trumpet to play when not preparing for concert band or competitive marching band. I did fairly well because I stuck to a practice schedule. But, it’s interesting to see just how different our tastes change over time. Or, at least our primary go to for listening.

My kids love everything from animation background to pop to metal-core. I don’t get in the way of music interests aside from some rap. Some may ask, “why not metal, it has language?”. It absolutely does and you can’t remove that but a line must be drawn when music speaks of nothing but drugs, sex, and guns. Not all rap is under this umbrella, but this is the type I will aim to avoid. Some metal also draws a line when it goes into speaking of death, etc., but that’s not what is played in the house. Regulation simply to mandate without communication will result in backlash. Speak to your children about their interests. Music is one of the easiest topics for kids to open up about.

My love for music stems from being a band geek as a child. I can go from Beethoven’s ‘Symphony No. 5’, to Rascal Flatt’s ‘Life is a Highway’, to Bullet for my Valentine’s ‘Tear’s Don’t Fall’. We have a family Spotify account and I have an Apple Music account. I love their lossless audio, especially with a good pair of headsets on. You have a the ability to sit back and hear the upper, mids, and lows. You are more able to pick out different elements of the soundstage. Sometimes, a song you’ve heard 100 times, you pick out something different you never knew was there. My favorite headsets are the HD6XX. They are great open backs for a decent price; not a higher end but not cheaper either. https://drop.com/buy/massdrop-sennheiser-hd6xx

What’s everyone’s favorite music genre?

God bless

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