Fitting GOD into the mix The Joyful Connection: Embracing My Love for Jesus For many believers, the love and connection they feel for Jesus Christ is a source September 12, 2023
Fitness Families That Sweat Together: Engaging Ways to Boost Fitness! Maintaining an active lifestyle is crucial for a healthy body and mind, and what better September 12, 2023
Healthy Home Task-tacklers Unite: Top Tricks for Staying Focused! Do you find yourself easily distracted and struggling to stay focused on your tasks? Well, September 12, 2023
Uplifting words Embrace the Joy of Letting Go Life’s Great Delights: Embrace the Joy of Letting Go! Life is a beautiful journey filled September 12, 2023
Fitting GOD into the mix The Struggle is Real – True friends We hear this all the time and some scoff when others say it because “your September 8, 2023
A Busy (and large) Family Get up and Get dressed! This may be an obvious statement for some but, believe it or not, it simply September 5, 2023
Fitting GOD into the mix Spiritual Confusion I hope this isn’t just in my head but sometimes it feels like the world September 5, 2023