Healthy Home New Homeowners: First Looks There’s no greater feeling than purchasing a first home. Walking around the perfect home, looking August 17, 2023
Fitting GOD into the mix Talking to God This is one of those topics that is confusing to many, even christians, as they August 16, 2023
Healthy Home Cleaning up This always a fun task to do…not really. The archenemy of every household is cleaning August 15, 2023February 14, 2025
A Busy (and large) Family Music, what’s your taste? This was my love when I was a teenager in high school. In fact, the August 15, 2023
A Busy (and large) Family Fishing for Everyone! The title goes without saying but I really don’t see enough people doing it. Some August 14, 2023
Fitting GOD into the mix Give Generously Let me prelude by stating we’re not a rich family of 8. But, we enjoy August 14, 2023
Fitting GOD into the mix Loving Our Spouses as God intended: a husbands love letter A Personal memo I know, I know, this seems odd and unworthy of a blog, August 12, 2023
Uplifting words Bryan’isms Yeah…that’s what we’ll call my own. * Being Better Beings – make it a point August 11, 2023
Uplifting words Food for thought…or your soul? Sometimes we just need someone to tell us it’s going to be OK, that life August 11, 2023
Anything and Everything Pets, Pets, and More Pets Pets, nearly everyone wants them. Their cute, cuddly, and for some offer as much satisfaction August 11, 2023