Healthy Home Home Safety How often do you walk around your home and purposefully ask yourself, “Am I safe?”, August 30, 2023
Fitness Family Routines Oh yeah, I bet this one hits home for someone 🙂 In all fairness, we’re August 29, 2023
A Busy (and large) Family DIY Fishing Cart We love fishing and enjoy it as a family when time (and weather) permits. We’re August 25, 2023
Fitness Zombies Run…Day 3! Night 3 was a bit slow because I had the other half all by herself, August 24, 2023
Healthy Home Headaches/Migraines We have all had at least one of these at some point in life and, August 23, 2023
Fitness Zombies Run…running as a group This is day 2 of my “get back up to speed” running journey. My last August 22, 2023
Fitting GOD into the mix When did YOU find Jesus? There’s numerous reasons people go to church or practice religion but, what truly is the August 21, 2023
Healthy Home Healthy dog food Not everyone will agree to what is healthy and what is not when it comes August 21, 2023
Uplifting words The Light and the Dark We are all beautiful creatures of shining light feeling around in a world of darkness. August 18, 2023
Fitness Trails for Sport and Beauty There was a time, before I blew up to a monstrous 245 pounds, that I August 18, 2023